
Elders will go on Crusades to receive the following Resources

  • Aether

  • Iron

  • Terra

  • Frost

  • Magma

  • Relics

    • Commom

    • Rare

    • Legendary

    • Ancient

    • Divine

You will receive your Crusade rewards after the cooldown is down is completed. There will be three areas on in which you can enter which a vault can be looted. Prior to entering the Vault, the amount of Energy will be determined based on the Energy Depletion Table. Depending on your Energy Tier, there is a probability to receive more rare Resources based on the Vault Tier. Energy Depletion

Vault Tier

Once you receive a Vault, each vault will consist of various Resources

Each Resource above is needed to Craft specific Equipment such as Weapons, Armor, and Items. You will receive one Relic in a Vault and will be needed for certain rare Equipment. Each Relic is named after the respective column.

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