
Earn $REN upfront for slaying creatures, based on Sentinel weapon tiers.


  • Enter a cooldown period after being sent to bloodthirst based on their weapon tier

  • Can reroll their item for free upon starting bloodthirst

  • Can consume their item upon starting bloodthirst


  • Have a constant 400 health points (similar to Mammon's Lair - Sector 1)


$REN earned is proportional to a Sentinel's weapon tier.

Note: All Sentinels can enter Bloodthirst mode, but only those with strong enough weapons will be rewarded! For Sentinels with weak weapons, consider rerolling through campaigns or forging.

Cooldown time

As expected, weapon tier and class also determines cooldown time for Sentinels.

Instant Kill

Assassins have a chance of instantly slaying creatures, removing attack time from cooldown calculation. If successful, the total cooldown is reduced to 4 hours.

$REN over time (Bloodthirst vs Passive)

Below are some comparisons between Passive staking and Bloodthirst rewards across different tiers. These figures assume the Sentinel is sent back to Bloodthirst as soon as humanly possible, and also does not factor methods of reducing cooldown such as consuming items, healing, Assassin instant kill, and Druid synergizing.




Last updated